CEVAP-LAB (Cogent EValuation-Automation of Performances Laboratory) is a laboratory that was established to automate assessments.  The word performance refers to data that can be recorded as image, sound, or text. In the context of our first project, the word performance refers to written student answers. Cevap-lab started its studies at Ege University with the support of TÜBİTAK 3005 – Innovative Solutions Research Projects in Social Sciences and Humanities.

Cevap-lab aims to develop systems that can save time and reduce cost by automating assessments to provide scores similar to or more reliable than scores provided by human raters.

Today’s primary school students will probably work in fields we don’t know yet. In this uncertainty, academics can try to build systems that allow as many assessments as possible in as many domains as possible to discover the students’ potential. This can be possible with automation.